After Hours
Grapeville Christian School currently has three after-school programs being offered by our ELA teacher, Mr. Joel Henderson, Grapeville Baptist Church Youth Leader; his wife Mary assists him.
March 20, April 10, & April 24
Welcome to Shine!
Shine is for grades two through four
At every meeting, there will be songs, a Bible lesson,
snack, crafts, and games.
Welcome to Grapeville Games!
Grapeville Games is for grades five through 12.
At every meeting, there will be games
for everyone to learn and play.
Once a month, there will be a season-specific food craft.
Grapeville Games
March 13, March 27, April 17, & May 1
Every Tuesday from 3:30-5:00 pm
Welcome to Gravity!
Grapeville Games is a fellowship group for grades
seven through twelve.
At every meeting, there will be icebreakers, Bible discussions, a chance to meet and greet friends,
and snacks.
Homework help will be available 2:30-3:25 pm